David N. Lorenzen (El Colegio de México, México)
Dr. Lorenzen is a specialist in South Asian religious movements. From 1970 to 2010, he was a staff researcher at El Colegio de México, where he is currently Professor Emeritus. He is the author of numerous publications on both ancient and pre-modern India, including The Kāpālikas and Kālāmukhas: Two Lost Śaivite Sects (University of California Press, 1972), Praises to a Formless God: Nirguṇī Texts From North India (SUNY, 1996), The Scourge of The Mission: Marco della Tomba in Hindustan (Yoda Press, 2010) and Yogi Heroes and Poets: Histories and Legends of the Naths (SUNY, 2011), which he co-edited with Adrian Muñoz.
Amanda Lucia (University of California, Riverside)
Professor of Religious Studies and and the Principal Investigator for the Religion & Sexual Abuse Project. She is author of White Utopias: The Religious Exoticism of Transformational Festivals (2020), which intervenes at the intersection of whiteness, religious exoticism, and contemporary yoga spirituality. Her previous publications include Reflections of Amma: Devotees in a Global Embrace (2014), and numerous articles.
Suzanne Newcombe (Open University, UK)
Dr. Newcombe is dedicated to the sociology of religion, with special emphasis on minorities and new religious movements, as well as the relationship between religion, yoga and health. She is the author of Yoga in Britain. Stretching Spirituality and Educating Yogis (Equinox, 2019) and, with Karen O'Brien-Kop, co-editor of the Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies (2021). She is also founding editor of the Journal for Yoga Studies and the site Modern Yoga Research.
Raphael Voix (French National Center for Scientific Research - EHESS, France)
Dr. Voix is an ethnologist who has specialized in various aspects of asceticism and modern yoga, as well as in the relationship between violence and religious movements. He has extensive fieldwork in West Bengal. He has published numerous articles and co-edited the book Filing Religion: State, Hinduism and Courts of Law (Oxford, 2016). He is a member of the Modern Yoga Research.
Alberto Allende
Pedro Urbano
Designed by Jannette Ramírez Arámburo in LimeSurvey
All photographs and images in the Gallery, friezes and banners are mostly courtesy of Adrián Muñoz, and some provided by Borayin Larios. Some exceptions are:
We would like to give due credit to the owners of the images we have used in this site. If you own rights to any of these, please contact us and we will proceed accordingly.