
Adrián Muñoz, en el panel “Beyond the Postures. Decoding the Inner Meanings of Yoga”

Adrián Muñoz, en el panel “Beyond the Postures. Decoding the Inner Meanings of Yoga”

Adrián Muñoz, en el panel “Beyond the Postures. Decoding the Inner Meanings of Yoga”

(de izq. a derecha) Agustín Pániker, Vanessa Larios, Adrián Muñoz y Pablo Yankelevich.
Presentación de la Historia mínima del yoga

(de izq. a derecha) Agustín Pániker, Vanessa Larios y Adrián Muñoz.
Presentación de la Historia mínima del yoga

(de izq. a derecha) Vanessa Larios, Elsa Cross y Adrián Muñoz

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Proyecto Yola® and this website are related to the research project “Globalization, reception and adaptations of yoga in Mexico”, which was financed by a grant from the National Council for Science and Technology of the Mexican government (2019-2022) and received additional economic support from the Colmex Fund for Research of El Colegio de México (2021-2022).